Hi there I am Önder Şahin 👋

    I am Web Developer

    I am continuing my software journey, which I started by studying Informatics in vocational high school, now as a ReactJS Developer. After successfully completing the Software Engineering field at Fırat University, I developed various projects in e-commerce company using technologies such as React, TypeScript, and Redux. I am currently working as a ReactJS Developer in Türk Telekom Yaay project. I continue to develop myself as a MERN Stack in my spare time.

    • 🔭 I’m currently working on public E-Commerce developer with nextjs, react js and mongoose, Yaay social media organization developer
    • 🌱 I’m currently learning MERN stack developer
    • 💬 Ask me about ReactJS, NextJS, ExpressJS, NodeJS, Mongoose
    • 📫 How to reach me ondershin@gmail.com
    • 📄 Know about my experiences ondersahin.com.tr

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